Bidding platform
streamlining bidding services for a large enterprise’s department


A large enterprise producing TV shows and movies for the global market has been managing dozens of projects simultaneously.

At some point, procurement from contractors has become too bureaucratic and inefficient.

Unibrix team offered a solution – an internal bidding system which became a backbone software for the whole department responsible for relations with service providers.


The department responsible for hiring contractors in the dubbing segment faced difficulties in conducting efficient auctions.

The bidding platform required a balance between simplicity and a range of features. It had to process messages as well as financial data.

All these needed to be stored and accessible easily.


Unibrix begins with discovery and give advice on how exactly software can solve problems
Our dev team offers a range of options to balance the interests of stakeholders and available resources
Unibrix tackles task prioritization by removing any extras and building on top of MVP
Unibrix team consists of strong all-rounders. Half of the team works as BAs
The end-product is flawless. It is our insurance guarantee


Web portal
A custom back office solution that automates the work of the whole department was designed and delivered. It is now streamlining the processes by saving time, bringing clarity and providing  data-driven insights.
If anybody from the client team came and said they had a difficulty with something, Unibrix looked into the use case and came up with ideas how to fix it and make client’s life easier.
business analytics
The data accumulated by the platform in the past years allows making bold business decisions. Right now, the fully automated AI-based solution is in development.


Year 1
Building a bidding platform
This custom solution was primarily meant to make the process of the auctions easier. Business Analysis, Assessing current customer needs & assets
Year 2
Year 3
Integrating finances
Millions of dollars began to move through the platform.
Streamlining processes
Unibrix has been providing
consultancy & BA services to automate all of the routine tasks, one by one.
Year 4
Full-on automation in progress
Yes, it means that the computer will do everything, and people will just sit back.
Year 5
Continuous support
Unibrix carried on with consultancy and technical support.
Year 6
Year 7


After seven years of such cooperation, the number of cases and features is immense.  

Here are just two examples to help you grasp the scale of the product:
The history of auction deals was made available to everybody, so that any employee could quickly look up the reliability of a contractor’s prices. The client saved thousands of dollars on it.

The deal review process was fully automated. This not only contributed to transparency and trust between client’s partners, but also helped save up to 30 hours of working time per day.

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